by Mirror, Mirror & Co.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

[Your Name]’s 2024 Quest

Envision yourself as the protagonist of an epic quest. Dive deep into introspection, setting the stage for your Hero's Journey. Write the story of your future self and aspirations to manifest your dreams.

1. 🔮 Setting your vision

My overarching goal and intention for 2024 is….

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🎬Vision Board



2. ⭐ Who do I want to become?

Describe the future 'you' at the end of your 2024 quest: What qualities, strengths, or achievements will define the hero within you?

In 2024, the person that I am…

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3. 🏆 What do I want to accomplish?

Write your goals and outcomes you wish to manifest on this journey. Envision what it looks and feels like to accomplish these goals.

In 2024, I see myself … (doing/accomplishing)…

<aside> 🖊️ Top goal

4. What are my 3 focus areas recommendations?

Input any follow up questions


<aside> <img src="/icons/mirror_gray.svg" alt="/icons/mirror_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Write your own:


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